France phone numbers contains the cell phone numbers of people in France. Furthermore, it is the most authentic telemarketing database. However, this mobile number data is valid and active. If you want to communicate with a targeted audience you can use these phone numbers. Most importantly, Telemarketing Data provides this service at a low budget.
France’s country code is +33 and this country code will allow you to call France from another country. That’s why you will add it to the before of any phone number you dial in France. As a result, France’s phone numbers have 10 digits. Also, if you want to call France from the UK, you dial 00 33 and then the French phone number without the first zero. For instance, to contact the French cell number 06 12 34 56 78, dial 00 33 6 12 34 56 78.
The city code and area code are given below:
Telephone code
Area Name
Area Code
+33 1
(o) 369
France Perpignan
+33 4
(o) 463
France Reims
+33 3
France Rennes
+33 2
France mobile phone number contains accurate telemarketing databases. It is a safe and secure way to contact the targeted audience. Furthermore, Telemarketing Data will create your company’s SMS or bulk telemarketing campaigns. Similarly, our company collects information from trustworthy sources. Meanwhile, we have a customer support team and they are always ready to help. Also, Bulk SMS software can help you a lot.
Top Telecom Company in France:
There are leading companies in telecommunications services in France. Like are Orange S.A., SFR, Bouygues Telecom, Free, Canal+, La Poste Mobile France, Lycamobile France.
Telephone Users In France:
In 2023, the number of people using smartphones in France went up to 50.7 million from 49.4 million in the previous year. In addition, there were 71.15 million cellular mobile connections in France at the start of 2023.
France phone numbers can provide a lot of advantages, which is very effective. Therefore, you can get the most recent and verified mobile number data. We have a team of experts. They are always up-to-date on this contact data and ensure that it is valid and genuine. Also, this SMS marketing list can promote your business brand value. As a result, you can get a lot of contact database services, which is very helpful. Hence, you can start this business in this place and purchase our France phone numbers.
Telemarketing Data Can Help:
Moreover, this cell phone number data can help you in many ways. Also, France phone numbers is a great help for telemarketing, SMS marketing, and cold calling campaigns. Telemarketing is the best way to get in touch with the right audience. As a result, it will give you a good result for your online telemarketing campaigns. This cell phone number data provides a verified contact address. The most important thing is that this cold-calling database can give new opportunities and potential consumers.
France, in Western Europe, is famous for its history, culture, and art. However, it has cool places to visit like the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, and the Palace of Versailles. Paris is a big and capital city. Likewise, it is famous for fashion and food. Also, there are the biggest cities in France. Such as Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse, Nice, Nantes, Montpellier, Strasbourg, Bordeaux and Lille. Almost 64.69 million people live here. As a result, the population grew by 132 thousand from 2022 to 2023.
Income source of France:
France has a big economy with industries like planes, cars, fancy things, and tourism. Most importantly, Tourism is the main source of income in this country. Also, the biggest part of France’s economy is the services sector. However, services include things like shops, tourism, banks, and government spending. Thus, industry is also important for the economy.
To Sum Up:
Our France mobile phone number includes an accurate and valid telemarketing database. Meanwhile, for your bulk telemarketing or SMS marketing efforts, we deliver quality, reliable, and recent numbers. Telemarketing Data truly assists you do so, even if you’re thousands of miles apart physically. Finally, our France mobile phone number can make your business communications simple. Above all. telemarketing campaigns will help you achieve greater outcomes. As a result, use this cell phone number data and get location-based service.
Q. What are the sources of the database?
A. We have a lot of trusted online and offline sources like e-commerce, job sites, shopping sites, and business directories from where our leads are collected.
Q. What are the reasons people buy these contacts?
A. People buy these contacts because these databases will help their business during telemarketing.
Q. Can the database help any business?
A. Yes, these contacts can provide support to any business.
Q. Is the dataset updated?
A. Yes, we update our contact collection every month.
Q: Do I have to face any data security issues?
A: We always maintain all the rules of GDPR while creating the database. So, you need not worry about the data security at all
Q. Can I take customized contacts within my budget?
A. Of course, anyone can take the database within their price range.
Q. In how many days consumers will get the database?
A. After purchasing any of the packages our consumers will get it within 24 hours.
Q. What is the format of the data?
A. We deliver the order in Excel, CSV, and text format.
Q. What is the accuracy rate?
A. We are giving a guarantee of at least 95% accurate information Which will help you successfully advertise your goods.
Q: How should I handle this quantity of database?
A: We made our dataset suitable for the CRM system. Therefore, you can handle this database easily.
More then 12 Bilion mobile phone number list from over the world. 100% Acurate telemarketing data from this company. Our lots of ustomer told us all is good quality phone data.
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